Tuesday 8 July 2008

Rod debate

Blogger Palyniam said...

I still cant understand whty anyone likes Rod, just the same goes to Tina Turner... sorry but they are in the same league...o and Meatloaf.... Nuf said.

July 4, 2008 5:49 PM
Blogger Nick said...

I couldn't even begin to describe just how wrong palyniam's comment is.
Rod Stewart has one of the finest blues singing voices of all time!

Listen to his collaborations with Python Lee Jackson (All 3 of them), The Faces era, and early solo material... not to mention any Bob Dylan cover you care to mention (Of which there are MANY). If you still find yourself unable to distinguish between Tina Turner or Meatloaf might I suggest going down the Van Gough route and slicing your ears off, clearly you aren't using them!

July 8, 2008 12:49 PM

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