Wednesday 21 May 2008

Last orders, who's round is it?

The Londergound is calling last orders on drinking alcohol on its tubes, trains and platforms from June 1st 2008. Its somewhat ironic that the use of the underground at rush hour to get back and forth from work is enough to drive anyone to the drink, but nonetheless
it is happening. To bid farewell to yet another strand of freedom there is to be a cocktail party held on the circle line on the 31st May.

Not to go on a massive rant but it seems to me that to ban the consumption of alcohol on public transport will only serve to deter the average law abiding man or woman who finds themselves with a "bag for life" of booze heading to a party from getting started early on their journey. It will not magically eradicate drunkeness from your journey home. Given that you can still fall out of a Wetherspoons with the remains of a pallet of WKD and a previously enjoyed £1.99 burger and a pint down your front on to the nearest bus or tube. So when you next find yourself sitting next to a member of the great British public, semi comatose and several days unwashed on a tube so packed it would make Hugh Fernley Whittingstall cry... remember to think to yourself how happy you are that our priorities are in order.

Maybe I'm wrong but if you're the kind of guy who enjoys a good stabbing, or gang war then maybe just maybe you won't give two shits about having a drink on the tube...?

Tuesday 20 May 2008

For Nick; Forever (or at least a week or two)

Bon Iver - For Emma; Forever Ago

It was originally released back in 2006 with only 500 copies to go around but it has more recently been re-released and within a matter of weeks its popularity has been slowly exploding like a tiny universe of its own. Currently the itunes single of the week (Skinny Love) what once seemed like it might be a personal treasure to recommend to friends and strangers alike to reflect on them just how amazing my musical taste is can now be heard coming out of TVs, ipods and mobile phones the land over. There is nothing to me quite so depressing as having your newly discovered artist of the moment suddenly appearing in an ad break side by side with cornflakes and Veet leg wax, hammocked between 2 equally dull and painful segments of Hollyoaks +1 in the city.

Anyway, seeing as it could only be a matter of time before its playing on the jukebox in the Queen Vic or being covered by Amy Winehouse on Mark Ronson's next uninspiring album I thought I would urge you to listen now before it gets spoiled.