Thursday 12 February 2009

Ah cruel realisation

I got a call from my great aunt yesterday, she was "concerned" as I hadn't paid her cheque in to my bank... those who know me will understand why...

I agreed to meet her on the weekend so she could give me the cash instead, lunch she suggests... YES why not, haven't seen her in a while and its always a bad move to say no to a free feed these days.

So, great... lunch and a wad of cash for a Saturday, Saturday the 14th, Saturday the 14th of February... OH NO, you see for the slower amongst you (Like me) what I have inadvertantly done is arranged to meet an old lady on Valentines day in order to have a sit down meal during which she will palm off a large sum of cash to me.... To the casual observer this will look rather dodgy, and like I am some kind of male escort for the elderly.

How do I get myself into these situations?

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