Wednesday 6 August 2008


Plumbing new depths is something Hollyoaks has been doing time immemorial, to the excruciating extent that I'm fairly sure I got the bends from segueing into the news by forwarding the ad breaks earlier today.

I want to continue watching just to see if the creators manage to reach the terminal velocity of trite, talentless moral panic TV but I'm finding it harder and harder to endure, like hangovers as I steadily get older. Hangovers and Hollyoaks seem to go hand in hand like drinking and mystery bruises. Truth is half an hour of Hollyoaks is beginning to threaten my safety, if I yawned with anymore conviction I could very well end up breaking my jaw.

Why oh why oh why oh why... Where is Channel 4's Terry Wogan when you need him? I would complain to June Sarpong but I fear I would get less than 10 seconds into a tirade before resorting to violence : (

Saturday 26 July 2008

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Family Guy - Superman's maid

Words can't express how much I like this clip:

Old sayings

I'm useless when it comes to olde time sayings like "a stitch in time"... For most of my formative years I believed April Showers to be a Turtles related skin flick

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Rod debate

Blogger Palyniam said...

I still cant understand whty anyone likes Rod, just the same goes to Tina Turner... sorry but they are in the same league...o and Meatloaf.... Nuf said.

July 4, 2008 5:49 PM
Blogger Nick said...

I couldn't even begin to describe just how wrong palyniam's comment is.
Rod Stewart has one of the finest blues singing voices of all time!

Listen to his collaborations with Python Lee Jackson (All 3 of them), The Faces era, and early solo material... not to mention any Bob Dylan cover you care to mention (Of which there are MANY). If you still find yourself unable to distinguish between Tina Turner or Meatloaf might I suggest going down the Van Gough route and slicing your ears off, clearly you aren't using them!

July 8, 2008 12:49 PM

Wednesday 2 July 2008

The start of blogs to come!

Mumford and Sons.

With an E.P. Launch night already sold out in Kilburn, and fresh off the back of a rousing set on Sunday morning at Glastonbury festival's Park stage Mumford and sons are on the path to stardom. Sure its a dusty path, a little overgrown in places and a far cry from the autobahn of success travelled by your Radioplays or Coldheads but the right path nonetheless! There isn't a huge amount on the wwweb of theirs to listen to in fact their Myspace (Theirspace) has only two songs for streaming namely, White Blank Page and Awake My Soul.

Their performance at Emily Eavis' pet project Park area, was one of the highlights of this year's festival. With the sun well and truly out, the crowd all sat on the grass soaking in the rays and not the moisture from the ground they ambled out on to the stage. With the first track finished and applause duly received lead singer Marcus Mumford edges sideways towards the mic and somewhat awkwardly says "This may be a bit self-indulgent but 'Hello Glastonbury'..." which is met with warm smiles and a smattering of whoops. The set progresses and barely a still foot can be seen, straw hats bob gaily back and forth to the strains of the banjo and double bass driving the momentum to each songs climactic finish. As is so often the case at festivals you are left wanting more when tight time constraints bring about the end of a special set. I could have stayed entirely captivated for much much longer without once glancing down at the necklace of bands and times around my neck, but end it did and the seated revelers were brought to their feet in appreciation.

You have to take a listen and see for yourself:

Apres Glastonbury funny video post:

Monday 9 June 2008

Compare People

Anyone with a Facebook account will probably be familiar with the flood of useless applications encouraging you to infect your friends to join your zombie army or some other ridiculous and entirely useless pursuit...

Well "Compare People" is one of these.

One day you innocently login to Facebook to find a message informing you that a close friend of yours has rated you against someone else. To find out what this supposed friend thinks of you all you have to do is add the application yourself. (hemorrhaging an assortment of personal details to a faceless nameless group of companies who can whore it out to whomever they please)

Let me tell you its a bittersweet experience to receive an email every few days telling you that your best qualities are "Best father potential" "Person with the best hair" "Best Friend" but immediately below to have yourself rated as "Least Brave" and "Least punctual"... What am I to do? clearly I need to prove my bravery to the extended list of people I no longer see to right this wrong, and whats more I must do it on time!

Perhaps I could arrange some sort of base jump at a uncharacteristically early hour in the morning?

Watch this space my "friends"

Thursday 5 June 2008

Big 'Nother

Hello 2008 all enlightened and hopeful... the year of Climate change and global economic collapse... the year when natural disasters occur more often than Lindsey Lohan up-skirts.

Why is it then that with all that's going on in the world Big Brother is back infecting our television sets once again? Now I'm all for holding auditions and selecting the most "wacky", "outrageous", "opinionated" and misguided idiots in the country but surely not for the purposes of television... Call it a public service, call it cleansing the nation's gene pull... call it what you like but would any of us be worse off without these fame hungry examples of all that is wrong with the world today. Harsh yes, but wrong? I think not... To quote Charlie Brooker "They are so stupid they have to whistle when going to the toilet to know which end to shit out of"

Against my will and better judgment I subjected my senses to the last half an hour or so of last nights "herding of the twats" that is BB's launch night. As microcosms go, this year's looks to be one of the more outlandish and inaccurate ones... lets see we have 1x albino, 1 x blind guy, 1 x wacky homosexual, 1 x slut, 2 x hmm Hmmm ghetto it girls... (it girls should really be changed to tit girls in my opinion, at best this is all they seem to offer)

In fact to waste anymore time and energy dissecting the layers of shit that build up Big Brother would be vastly disproportionate to its worth, so suffice to say I will be hoping for an electrical fire this year... Text "FIRE" to 88617

Viva La Hype Machine!


A great site for streaming music of all genres and era's... B-sides, live versions, rarities they're all there!

How does it work? I don't hear you ask.... Well, it searches through music blog after music blog for uploaded tracks and then you can listen to them or go to the blog and download it directly (If you're that way inclined)*sometimeslifesok does not condone this kind of behavior OK?!

I'm currently listening to a selection Coldplay's Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends tracks. Its seemingly a new direction for them, and should hopefully dissuade some of their detractors from complaining about the same old dull ballads... only time will tell I guess.

Check it out here

Wednesday 4 June 2008

Pick of the pics...

OK so we all know about sleeve face, I'm not blogging about the cool new thing here but I just couldn't let this one go by without giving it special mention. A great picture and a great album!

Oh alright then... One more

One of these days I will get around to doing one... One day

Thursday 29 May 2008

... of the day!


'Has that door been oiled? I almost got it on my Donna Karan'
CLANG! who feels the need to name drop clothing, never a more twatish thing said surely?


Like you need reason to like this little guy?!


Ahh another Adam Buxton classic

Wednesday 21 May 2008

Last orders, who's round is it?

The Londergound is calling last orders on drinking alcohol on its tubes, trains and platforms from June 1st 2008. Its somewhat ironic that the use of the underground at rush hour to get back and forth from work is enough to drive anyone to the drink, but nonetheless
it is happening. To bid farewell to yet another strand of freedom there is to be a cocktail party held on the circle line on the 31st May.

Not to go on a massive rant but it seems to me that to ban the consumption of alcohol on public transport will only serve to deter the average law abiding man or woman who finds themselves with a "bag for life" of booze heading to a party from getting started early on their journey. It will not magically eradicate drunkeness from your journey home. Given that you can still fall out of a Wetherspoons with the remains of a pallet of WKD and a previously enjoyed £1.99 burger and a pint down your front on to the nearest bus or tube. So when you next find yourself sitting next to a member of the great British public, semi comatose and several days unwashed on a tube so packed it would make Hugh Fernley Whittingstall cry... remember to think to yourself how happy you are that our priorities are in order.

Maybe I'm wrong but if you're the kind of guy who enjoys a good stabbing, or gang war then maybe just maybe you won't give two shits about having a drink on the tube...?

Tuesday 20 May 2008

For Nick; Forever (or at least a week or two)

Bon Iver - For Emma; Forever Ago

It was originally released back in 2006 with only 500 copies to go around but it has more recently been re-released and within a matter of weeks its popularity has been slowly exploding like a tiny universe of its own. Currently the itunes single of the week (Skinny Love) what once seemed like it might be a personal treasure to recommend to friends and strangers alike to reflect on them just how amazing my musical taste is can now be heard coming out of TVs, ipods and mobile phones the land over. There is nothing to me quite so depressing as having your newly discovered artist of the moment suddenly appearing in an ad break side by side with cornflakes and Veet leg wax, hammocked between 2 equally dull and painful segments of Hollyoaks +1 in the city.

Anyway, seeing as it could only be a matter of time before its playing on the jukebox in the Queen Vic or being covered by Amy Winehouse on Mark Ronson's next uninspiring album I thought I would urge you to listen now before it gets spoiled.